lunes, 20 de agosto de 2012
domingo, 19 de agosto de 2012
Encuentro Nocturno
Aquí les dejo para que lean una historia que realicé con Joaquín Panigatti Bustelo, Felipe Amado, Gonzalo Bravo para Lengua:
El se despertó, miró a
su alrededor, había papeles por todos lados, el piso estaba mojado,
miró arriba, la luz le cegó por un momento. Se frotó los ojos, se
levantó no recordaba nada, literalmente no tenía recuerdo alguno de
quien es, donde está, ni que había pasado. Él frotó su nuca, sintió una
sensación húmeda, y para agradable. Lentamente, descendió su mano al
frente de su cara, sangre . Re ubicó su mano unos centímetros más
arriba de su nuca, buscando la herida de la cual provenía dicho
sangrado. Un dolor punzante recorrió su cuerpo cuando tanteó un corte en
su coronilla. Miró al espejo en frente suyo, el cual estaba empañado,
con su mano limpia desempaño el espejo y miró a su propio reflejo en sus
ojos y recordó...
Todo ocurrió en
septiembre, él despertó, justo como antes, estaba aterrado por un
estruendo que se escuchaba a la distancia, estaba rodeado por gente que
conocía, pero sentía afecto por ellos. Todos formaban parte del
gobierno, tanto como él. Una voz proveniente del cielo (El cual no
estaba a la vista) retumbó, perturbando el silencio, y despertando a
todo a su alrededor, la gente estaba confundida. Y la voz dijo "
Queridos integrantes del gobierno de este gran mundo nuestro, lamento
informarles que la raza humana como la conocemos, está prácticamente
extinta, ustedes son los únicos especímenes que se mantienen con vida.
Ustedes 100 fueron elegidos de los cuerpos del gobierno con mayor
jerarquía del mundo, y han sido preservados en este domo..." Las luces
se prendieron , estaba en un lugar de grandes dimensiones, el cielo no
estaba a la vista, la voz continuó "... para que la tierra sea
repoblada, el domo permanecerá cerrado hasta que esté confirmado que la
salida sea segura, por favor disfruten su estadía ene el domo 2."
Allí su recuerdo
terminó, limpió su cabeza, eliminando los restos de sangre. Se dirigió a
la puerta, tomó aire, y abrió la puerta. Estaba dentro del domo. Sus
edificios estaban en ruinas y sus calles estaban desoladas, no había
alma alguna a la vista. En el horizonte se divisaba el fin del domo,
donde el extraño material del que estaba hecho se juntaba con la tierra.
De repente, la voz de un joven gritando se escuchó, pero sus alaridos
eran extraños. Este gritaba una cifra, un número, el gritaba y movía los
brazos en dirección a el hombre. "¡20!",¡20!, encontré el artefacto!".
El agitaba un aparato plano, que se agarraba con una mano sin mucho
esfuerzo. Era de color blanco y su pantalla desplazaba opciones que el
no entendía. Al ver ese artefacto recordó...
En el domo perdieron
sus nombres, los cuales fueron reemplazados por números, que marcaban
su jerarquía dentro del domo. Algunos se quedaron solos, protegiendo con
sus almas las pocas raciones que poseían, otros se aliaron. Recordó
como él se había juntado con un joven político, un magnate en su campo,
su nombre era 32. Luego recordó su propio nombre, el 20. En el domo, se
les explicó que sólo había una forma de salir: el artefacto, este estaba
en posesión del número 1, y era la llave para el escape en caso de una
emergencia. Recordó que antes de haberse desmallado misteriosamente, él
le había pedido a 32 que recupere el artefacto, como sea posible. Por la
sangre que manchaba las ropas, sabía que sus medios no fueron
pacíficos. "El fin justifica los medios" explicó 32.
Cuando 32 estaba lo
suficientemente cerca como para establecer una conversación, 20 le
preguntó a 32 como lo había conseguido... 32 prefirió no responder. 32
le entregó el artefacto a 20. Y en seguida, se dirigieron al punto
límite más cercano del domo. Al alcanzar la pared, 20 colocó dicho
artefacto en un punto al azar sobre la pared del domo. Unos
momentos después de que 20 lo pusiese sobre la pared, una luz cegadora,
envolvió al artefacto. A medida que la luz blanca disminuía, una
aparente abertura se abrió en la pared. 32 y 20 pasaron al otro lado,
fuera del domo. Pisaron verdadera tierra luego de tanto tiempo. Y del
otro lado, 20 retiró el artefacto flotante de donde, anteriormente,
había una pared.
Vieron lo que
los rodeaba, era desierto, no había pasto ni ningún otro tipo de
vegetación. Lo único que quedaba era tierra, simple y pura tierra, y
nada más. Se dieron cuenta de que estaban en lo cierto, estaban en
presencia del fin de la vida en el resto de la Tierra. Allí miraron al
cielo luego de tanto tiempo pero por causa de las nubes pesadas y
abundantes, el Sol no se mostraba. De pronto, se escucharon un sonido
agudo, creciente. Eran flechas, las cuales viajaban a una gran velocidad
y se incrustaron bruscamente en los pechos de 20 y 32, los cuales
cayeron en la tierra seca que los rodeaba, esto les provocó la muerte al
instante. Dos siluetas negras se acercaron a los cuerpos, unas pinzas
negras se aferraron a los hombros de los fallecidos y los
arrastraron hacia el horizonte dejando la marca de los cuerpos en la
tierra seca. El sol cubierto se escondió en el horizonte dejando ver a
la luna, que anunciaba el comienzo de la noche...
viernes, 3 de agosto de 2012
jueves, 2 de agosto de 2012
Movie Review: Sucker Punch
"Sucker Punch" is an action-science fiction film. It tells the story of Baby Doll, a mental that sees the world through the eyes of imagination, which might get her into trouble on the real world.
Baby Doll lived with her sister, her mother, and her step-father happily, until her mother dies leaving Baby and her sister all of her possesions. This causes extreme anger in Baby's step-father, who tries to kill them, Baby defends herself with a gun but accidentally shoots her sister. Baby's father puts her in a mental hospital, where she meets blue, the man in charge; Doctor Gorski, the psychotherapist; and of course, the patients. She gets a lobotomy, which is used as a transition to a cabaret, that is another way to see the hospital. There, Baby's step-father turns into a priest that seels her to Blue, who is the owner of the cabaret, Dr. Gorski is the dance teacher and the patients are the dancers. Baby is forced to dance, and she is an extremely good dancer, but we never get to see her dance because every dance scene is followed by a war scene in which Baby has to fight many foes on her quest to escape. Baby makes friends with four dancers: the sisters Sweet Pea and Rocket; Amber, and Blondie, they make a plan to escape, they need 4 elements that baby saw while dancing (The war scenes are what Baby imagines while dancing) which are: A map, fire, a knife and a key. They get the first two quite easily, but when they go to get th knife from the kitchen, the cook kills Rocket. Blue suspects on the girls, so he kills Amber and Blondie as a warning to the others. Baby stabs Blue and gets his key, so he escapes with Sweet Pea just to find out that the gate is guarded. Baby sacrifices herself for Sweet Pea to escape. With another transition we go back to the lobotomy scene to find out how everything really happened, but on the hospital; That was only Baby's way to see the situation. Blue tries to kill Baby (Who is unaware of the situation because she's lobotomized), but the police arrests Blue. The movie ends with Sweet Pea on the Bus Station going back home.
The fil is interesting and action packed, I loved it. I, though, do not recomend it for people who think watching a movie means relaxing and not thinking too much, since you will be thinking a lot about what happened in it after you see it. In that way is like The Matrix. For everyone else, Sucker Punch is a very interesting movie and I suggest to watch it as soon as possible.
Baby Doll lived with her sister, her mother, and her step-father happily, until her mother dies leaving Baby and her sister all of her possesions. This causes extreme anger in Baby's step-father, who tries to kill them, Baby defends herself with a gun but accidentally shoots her sister. Baby's father puts her in a mental hospital, where she meets blue, the man in charge; Doctor Gorski, the psychotherapist; and of course, the patients. She gets a lobotomy, which is used as a transition to a cabaret, that is another way to see the hospital. There, Baby's step-father turns into a priest that seels her to Blue, who is the owner of the cabaret, Dr. Gorski is the dance teacher and the patients are the dancers. Baby is forced to dance, and she is an extremely good dancer, but we never get to see her dance because every dance scene is followed by a war scene in which Baby has to fight many foes on her quest to escape. Baby makes friends with four dancers: the sisters Sweet Pea and Rocket; Amber, and Blondie, they make a plan to escape, they need 4 elements that baby saw while dancing (The war scenes are what Baby imagines while dancing) which are: A map, fire, a knife and a key. They get the first two quite easily, but when they go to get th knife from the kitchen, the cook kills Rocket. Blue suspects on the girls, so he kills Amber and Blondie as a warning to the others. Baby stabs Blue and gets his key, so he escapes with Sweet Pea just to find out that the gate is guarded. Baby sacrifices herself for Sweet Pea to escape. With another transition we go back to the lobotomy scene to find out how everything really happened, but on the hospital; That was only Baby's way to see the situation. Blue tries to kill Baby (Who is unaware of the situation because she's lobotomized), but the police arrests Blue. The movie ends with Sweet Pea on the Bus Station going back home.
The fil is interesting and action packed, I loved it. I, though, do not recomend it for people who think watching a movie means relaxing and not thinking too much, since you will be thinking a lot about what happened in it after you see it. In that way is like The Matrix. For everyone else, Sucker Punch is a very interesting movie and I suggest to watch it as soon as possible.
Medusa's Soliloquy
Curse the gods! Curse them all! Because of them, I am trapped in this mounstrosity no one would dare to call a body. Curse you Athene! May you be taken to the dephs of Tartarus! I was beautiful, when I close my eyes I can remember what they said " A queen of snow, far beyond compared, lips attuned in simmetry, dark liquored eyes, an arabian nightmare". Athene, because of you, your plain jelousy, you have ruined my life, and so I will ruin many other!
Did you have any reason? Was there any sense in this act of such cruelty? Was I, Medusa, so awful as a human? Was I, Medusa, such a horrid person? Was I, Medusa, such a despicable entity?
Maybe I was...
NO! Athene, you will regret the day in which you did this to me! The Gods will be destroyed ONE by ONE!
Did you have any reason? Was there any sense in this act of such cruelty? Was I, Medusa, so awful as a human? Was I, Medusa, such a horrid person? Was I, Medusa, such a despicable entity?
Maybe I was...
NO! Athene, you will regret the day in which you did this to me! The Gods will be destroyed ONE by ONE!
Description of a friend
Gonzalo has been my friend since we were very little, I can't really remember when we first met, but he's always been there. He lives really close to my house and we meet many times.
He's tall, not fat, but not slim, he wears glasses and tells me many times how little he can see without them. He has short, spiky black hair, almost cartoon-like. His nose is small, such as his mouth. He also has big arms, but little teeny-tiny feet (Compared to mine).
Gonzalo is somehow lazy, and can be really annoying from time to time. He's calm and relaxed but he can get REALLY angry when he looses at videogames. He's allergic to mosquitoes so whenever we do sports tou can smell repelent coming out from his clothes.
He enjoys videogames, more exactly his Play Station 3, he spends a lot of time in it, I play with him many times. He loves to play with his dog Safira, name he took from the movie "Eragon".
Anyway, he's a very good friend of mine, and one of the few people who's opinion I care about. I'm looking foward to our next meeting.
He's tall, not fat, but not slim, he wears glasses and tells me many times how little he can see without them. He has short, spiky black hair, almost cartoon-like. His nose is small, such as his mouth. He also has big arms, but little teeny-tiny feet (Compared to mine).
Gonzalo is somehow lazy, and can be really annoying from time to time. He's calm and relaxed but he can get REALLY angry when he looses at videogames. He's allergic to mosquitoes so whenever we do sports tou can smell repelent coming out from his clothes.
He enjoys videogames, more exactly his Play Station 3, he spends a lot of time in it, I play with him many times. He loves to play with his dog Safira, name he took from the movie "Eragon".
Anyway, he's a very good friend of mine, and one of the few people who's opinion I care about. I'm looking foward to our next meeting.
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