viernes, 13 de noviembre de 2015


Death is usually seen as something negative, sometimes death is viewed as the ultimate evil, the greatest fear of mankind. This feeling has been present in humanity since its beginnings, and naturally so, death is the biggest question, we know nothing about what happens after death, it is natural for us to fear death. This feeling of dread is so fixated with humanity itself that it is an unnatural thing to think of death as something positive. This is why so many civilizations condemn suicide, and why many people criticize euthanasia. The idea of someone wanting to die is outrageous to them. Personally, I think we must have a different approach to death, and should accept a person’s desire to die, if in great pain.
Firstly, I believe that if every person is entitled to the right to live, every person should also have the right to die. In the category of euthanasia, we must understand the extreme physical or emotional pain a person must be going through, in a way in which death (Mankind’s greatest fear) is seen as a desirable choice. If the person wishes to have a respectable death, without having to undergo excruciating pain, I believe they have the right to chose death over the torture life means to them. “Mercy-kill” is something seen in many aspects of modern media, mainly war movies or even videogames, and it isn’t seen as an act of cruelty, it is seen as an act of kindness. Is it so hard to translate that to real life, not in the middle of a fiery war, but in the environment of a hospital?
Furthermore, there is a different approach to this. In a case in which the person to be hypothetically euthanized is unconscious, or unable to express themselves, the pain resides not in the person itself, but in their family and BEloved ones. Seeing a loved one suffer for so long is emotionally draining. In some cases in which the affected person is in a coma, the family suffers the most, since they have to carry the emotional burden of knowing that this person will probably not wake up. It is damaging for the family because they are unable to mourn their loss, knowing their loved one will not wake up, or may be suffering. In cases like that, the family’s desire to euthanize their loved one should be recognized.
In conclusion, a person’s right to die if certain conditions are met should always be recognized, and in case that person is unconscious and their recovery is unlikely, it is their family the most affected, thus they have the right to decide to euthanize or not. Euthanasia should be taken with extreme delicacy, being a serious topic, and should not be taken lightly, the cases in which euthanasia is a viable option are very extreme, and difficult to analyse from an outside perspective, this is why only people involved in the cases should be able to have an influence on the choice of the person or the family.

sábado, 31 de octubre de 2015

Carpeta de Arte

1- Carátula
Técnica: Libre

2- Composición Personal
Técnica: Libre

3- Impresionismo
Técnica: Acrílico o Acuarela

4- Observación de entorno
Técnica: Acrílico empaste

5- Expresionismo
Técnica: Acrílico

Descripción: Salida al museo de Bellas Artes y Bicentenario

 En la tercera sala que visitamos, un retrato captó mi atención. Mostraba a una mujer de la alta sociedad posando en un paisaje montañoso, con un leve atardecer en el fondo. La pincelada era imperceptible y los colores de la figura resaltaban contra el fondo tenue, con excepción del atardecer asomándose tras la montaña.

6- Proceso Artístico

7- Representación del mural "Ejercicio Plástico"
Técnica: Mixta

8- Composición Personal
Técnica: Lapicera y tinta china

8- Fotografías experimentales con luz

9- Video experimental

domingo, 9 de agosto de 2015

The Tobacco Industry

 In Thinking Skills we watched an extract from "Mad Men", and later researched the ways in which the tobacco industry managed to sell cigarettes in a time in which it is well known how harmful they can be. We later had to answer a series of questions, which follow:
1) The Company's interest is to convince the client that they gave the best ideas, so that the client doesn't go to another company to advertise their product. The client wants people not to think that cigarettes are dangerous, this way more people buy them and the company gets more profit.
2)Peter's idea involves death, which may repel people from buying the product. Don's idea makes the product look healthier than the competition, making them more profitable to the company.

 This advertisement uses the respect given to doctors as a way of showing that their product is better than the competition. Even though the doctor of the picture is fake, and so is the research they  talk about in the advertisement, the advertisement makes Camel cigarettes seem healthy and safe. This is, of course, a way of selling more cigarettes, which is Camel's vested interest.

miércoles, 22 de julio de 2015

Crêpes de fruits rouges


  • 250g de farine
  • 4 oeufs
  • 1/2 l de lait
  • 1 pincée de sel
  • 2 cuilléres à soupe de sucre
  • 200g de chantilly
  • Framboises, groseilles, myrtilles
  • 100g du chocolat


  1. Mettre la farine dans un saladier avec le sel et le sucre. Faire un puits au milieu et verser les oeufs légèrement battees a la fourchette. Commencer a incorporer doucement la farine avec une culliere en bois. Quand le mélange deirent epais, ajouter le lait froid peu à peu, on petit utiliser un fourchet mais toujours doucement pour eviter les grumeaux.
  2. Quand tout le lait est mélangé, la pâte doit être assez fluide, si elle vous paraît trop êpasse, rajouter en peu de lait.
  3. Cuire les crêpes dans une poêle chaude (pas besoin de matière grasse, elle est déjà dans la pâte). Verser une petite louche de pâte dans la poêle, faire un movement du rotation pour repartir la pâte sur tout la surface, poser sur le feu et quand le tour de la crêpe est coloré en roux clair, il est temps de la retourner. Laisser cuire environ une minute de ce côté et la crêpe est prête. Répeter jusqu' à epuisement de la pâte.
  4. Déposez la chantilly au milieu de chaque crêpe, et repartir sur toute la surface. Déposez les fruits rouges sur le crême, et roulé le crêpe. Préparer le chocolat en bain marie, et déposez sur le crêpe enrolée.

Bon Apetit!

Trabajo hecho por: Gonzalo Bravo, Lautaro García Mollard, Joaquin Panigatti Bustelo y Marcos Lecour